Project deployment

Github deploy key

Create a ssh keypair for deployment and save it to the /var/www/.ssh/{{project_name}}/ directory. Change ownership of the directory and key files to www-data and grant access privileges only to the www-data user (600).

Then add the public key as deploy key to your project on github. You find the deploy key page as a tab below the settings page. Click on the add deploy key button and paste the content of your public key file.

SSH configuration

To deploy multiple projects for the same user we have to add a ssh configuration to manage multiple deploy keys. The configuration file is stored at /var/www/.ssh/config.

Host {{project_name}}
User git
IdentityFile /var/www/.ssh/{{project_name}}/id_rsa

Clone project source code

$ cd /var/www
$ git clone {{project_name}}{{project_user}}/{{project_name}} {{project_name}}